Hebits Status - Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get the latest status update if the site isn't accurate?

Follow our Twitter account @hebitsnet_status.

My account is disabled, is there anything I can do?

If you are having any problems with your account you'll have to join #hebits.support on the IRC network. This also includes other problems with your account, not just disabled accounts.

How do I connect to the IRC network?

You'll have to use an IRC client and connect to irc.hebits.net. The port is 6667 or 6697 if you are using SSL.

My registration/activation mail isn't arriving

You'll have to join #hebits.support.

How can I get invited to the site?

Head over to https://hebits.net/inviteapplication.php and read the instructions.

How do I join IRC? The Java Applet / Mibbit isn't working.

Use a real IRC client:


